Cosmic Latte is an architectural and interior design firm specializing in the housing, hospitality and retail sectors. Our strength is our combination of personalities, international experiences and marked creativity, which are key elements for a personal and unconventional approach to architecture.

  /  Design   /  Current trends and color palettes

Current trends and color palettes

Every year, in the world of design, architecture and fashion, one specific color is chosen to represent the year to come. What are the effects of this choice? How are these colors chosen and how do they inspire creative minds? The chosen color will be the “social expectation” of the year to come.

Each color inspires an emotion and expresses a concept that is still at its embryonic stage. They may somehow resemble new year’s resolutions, however, when we design and conceive a space, the color we choose must be eternal, forever beautiful and satisfying.

Inevitably, the color of the moment, which is also a reflection of society, affects our daily work, however, we aim to crystallize its essence and meaning in a precise place, transforming it into a tool that enriches a specific space and remains eternally evocative and meaningful.

Some years it’s a pastel color, others a much brighter or bolder one, or even something more cheerful, gloomy, sober, or reassuring. The chosen color closely reflects the social mood.